Month: September 2007
Just Terrorism?
Back in August I wrote about the idea that in a democracy we all share responsibility for the actions of our government. Frank, one of my three loyal readers (and I do appreciate all of you), commented that this was a good way to rationalize to terrorism, and I agreed. Frank replied again to say…
Tax Refunds
One thing Hofstadter discusses is reasons to be irrational. I was recently thinking about this in the context of tax refunds. In the U.S., if you underpay your taxes during the year by less than $1000 or so, you can just pay the difference on April 15 and all is well. (The total amount you…
I Am a Normal Loop
There is nothing here about linkers! OK, there is one thing: at some point, I hope soon, I will pull the linker postings together into an essay posted with my other essays (which I wrote before starting this blog). I’ll mention it here when I do that. Now back to my previously scheduled blog, which…
Linkers part 20
This will be my last blog posting on linkers for the time being. Tomorrow my blog will return to its usual trivialities. People who are specifically interested in linker information are warned to stop reading with this post. I’ll close the series with a short update on gold, the new linker I’ve been working on.…
Linkers part 19
I’ve pretty much run out of linker topics. Unless I think of something new, I’ll make tomorrow’s post be the last one, for a total of 20. __start and __stop Symbols A quick note about another GNU linker extension. If the linker sees a section in the output file which can be part of a…