Inequality is increasing in the U.S. The real income of the bottom 20% is stagnant or even decreasing. The real income of the top 1% is skyrocketing. The effect is that the difference between the rich and the poor is getting steadily larger.
Is this bad? Extreme disparities of wealth is common in third world countries, but those countries are different from the U.S. in many ways. The U.S. has seen extreme wealth inequality before, during the Gilded Age around the turn of the 20th century. I’m not sure but I believe the inequality dropped somewhat during the 1920’s, helped by the introduction of easy credit. Then of course the Depression led to the backlash of the New Deal.
Increased inequality seems to lead to a loss of social cohesion. But the superrich are a small percentage of society, and it’s not clear how much they participated in society anyhow. A poor person envious of a rich person can go one of two ways: “take their money” or “earn my own money.” Pursuing the latter course is generally good for society. The degree of difference between the rich and the poor may not matter very much when it comes to making that sort of choice.
The wealthy, at least the ones who give interviews, often significanly discount the role of luck in the positions they’ve attained. In winner-take-all capitalism, somebody often does win. But exactly who wins is a matter of luck as much as anything else. However, there is nothing deeply wrong with this attitude, it’s just fatuous.
But can we expect any long-term bad effects from the increased inequality? I don’t know. It’s not obvious to me why we should. The worst possible direction would be increasing social unrest, tied to further separation of the wealthy from the rest of us.
Is the income inequality good? It’s pretty hard to see how. A capitalist society works best when some people are rich, so that everybody else has something they can work toward. But that doesn’t require anything approaching the kind of inequality we see today.
Should taxes be raised on the rich? In my view, unquestionably. Even relatively small adjustments would raise significantly more money which could be used to pay for universal health care and to pay down the significant government debts. It’s ludicrous to think that raising taxes on the rich would somehow dampen people’s desire to become wealthy themselves. And it’s ludicrous to claim that the wealthy owe nothing to the society which made it possible for them to earn their money. It is a particular scandal that social security taxes have a limit.
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